Stretching out and reaching out is far beyond our control, when God works with and for His people – He makes always a guarantee that He will make everyone part of His great plan. No matter who and what you are. No one is higher nor lesser than anyone else.
Earlier today, Kasilak Development Foundation Inc, together with its principal sponsors Dole Philippines Inc – Stanfilco Divison turned over 199 boxes of assorted medical supplies, 10 sets of wheelchairs and 50 boxes of hand soaps from Heart to Heart International, MAP International, Free Wheelchair Mission, and Clean the World respectively through Children International Philippines, Inc. at Northern Mindanao Medical Center – NMMC, Cagayan de Oro City. The activity was graced by the department heads of the said regional hospital as well as from Dole-Stanfilco Bukidnon Clusters Heads and Kasilak Development Foundation Inc Area coordinators.

Dr. Mark Sarmiento and Mr. Mario Galon express their words of thanks to Kasilak and Dole-Stanfilco who chose NMCC as one of the beneficiaries of the said medical supplies.
The said turnover was one of the many turnovers of medical supplies to hospitals of Northern Mindanao – Region X. Consequently, making it as the most numbers of boxes donated to a hospital here in Region X.
Our special thanks to Ma’am Irene Mendoza for her tireless efforts in coordinating with the Medical Chief and and the different department heads.